Thanks! I love the way you share the philosophical background to the things that are happening in the world. Keep up the good work!

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I will be posting on this tomorrow I encourage everyone to stop by and take a look, it’s going hit harder than Mike Tyson in his prime

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Hello Roni,

I appreciate how well put together this is. You bring together and highlight many important points about the deeper implications the Woke mind virus has for the West and future generations. Well done! Thank you for your contribution.

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Call it by its real name. Woke=cultural Marxism.

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hola, roni.

i've been doing my own deep dive into this trojan horse invasion of marxism. for me, looking back, i now see that perhaps the first significant manifestation of this anti-societal threat was in the corporate world in two ways: the adoption of feminist equity policies and the use of mba to manage businesses. that is a long discussion, not for a comment here. i also experienced it in the university in the 1990s especially in the education, sociology and english departments. at the time i didn't see the connection to marxism. and i was busy deconstructing the religious nature of economics — i have an economics degree and it seems to me that much of what has survived in a capitalist society is largely despite economics and not because of it. (another discussion, although i did write and teach two courses 'economics debunked' and 'banks skanks'.)

you have provided a great overview and a kind of review for me now after my last several months of doing a deep dive with james lindsay, konstantin kisin, jordon peterson (peterson from 2016 forward) thomas sowell, mary harrington, candace owens and others.

note i came here from your toxic femininity youtube and your presentation of the terrible mother and the 4 toxic feminine traits. you did a great job of that too, and it was also a review for me as a long time student of jung. (i left a comment there.) and from that introduction i came here surprised to find you doing this great job of deconstructing 'woke' in 60 minutes.

re. jung: i studied jung, auto-didactically, for 30 years with great intensity. (i looked at your book list and didn't see psychological types — as important as the great mother, imo — and also important is 'the development of personality'. and i have some other recommendations, including morris berman's reenchantment series that you may find worth while.)

back to the critical colonialism: something that is interesting to note that you didn't include in your review is that it was the western world, lead by britain, that has done more to eliminate slavery in the world than anywhere else! (for example, did you know that in the 10th century moslems used slaves to harvest and manufacture sugar?) and that is a great positive point to emphasis. and that slavery still exists in a big way, and that perhaps every culture on the planet has enslaved someone else and/or been enslaved by someone else at some time, including kumbaya indigenous peoples.

i have attended synchronicities since the 1990 with perspicuity and I see them as the means by which the energy of the universe, whatever that is, guides and nudges me towards this or that realisation and, more interestingly in the last 10 years, to take this or that action. for example: in 2021 by intuition and synchronicity i chose to reject the jab mandate for work. that eventually resulted in me leaving canada in 2022 after giving up my job for intuition and synchronicity. doing that extended my spiritual creative life-path into a deep dive — a kick-ass trust fall into a spiritual rebirth that has been amazing. now fully guided by intuition, yogic practices and the experiential awareness that the energy of life is looking for us to grow more consciously aware. (hence my deep dive into woke and other esoteric cultural myths especially in the health world.) i mention that because coming to your toxic femininity talk firstand then here were both a bit oddly done and the clinching synchronicity is that between the toxic femininity and here i stopped in and listened to lost lefties with rita panahi — something i don't do very often. this time it gave me (and maybe you) some meat on the 'real' purposes of dei - increased racism and division. here is their show with the link time-stamped to the study they mention:

'Lefties losing it: MSNBC host spreads ‘disgusting lie’ about Dr Jay Bhattacharya'


Sky News Australia

rita panahi cites a very expensive dei study that showed that dei training expanded racism and created divisiveness and the acceptance of hitlerian ideologies, etc. ie the opposite of what the ostensible goal is. well, the marxists dei for sure meant it was in reality to tear the structures down. both the nyt and bloomberg refused to publish because of the contrarian results despite them having planned to publish it before they had read the results.

the study:


DEl Training Material Increases Perception of Nonexistent Prejudice, Agreement with Hitler Rhetoric, Study Finds



anyway, i enjoyed meeting you and subscribed. for now, not paid. i'm very low on funds and pretty much maxed out my subscription budget long ago. that is also an interesting story! well, to me, anyway, some of which is documented in my substack which has much more including essays on woke, misopaedia —please stop using the p-word because raping children is not loving them, yoga, buddhism, obedience to authority and mass formation, synchronicity, psychology, the i ching, the bully language we using living in bully stockholm syndrome and much much more.

again, it was great to meet you tonight. all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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History will not forgive your content

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